
There are four different types of financial aid a student can be eligible for at CCC. However, all federal and state aid requires a student to complete the FAFSA. 点击这里

CCC提供四种类型的援助. 它们是: 

  • Grants: Student aid funds which do not have to be repaid as long as the student's enrollment level does not change.
  • 贷款:必须带利息偿还的借款. 
  • Federal Work Study: A federal student aid program that provides part-time employment while you are enrolled in school to help pay your education expenses.
  • 奖学金: Student aid funds that are usually merit-based and do not have to be repaid. CCC Sholarships

Within each type of aid there are different programs with different requirements for students.


The Pell Grant assists under研究生 students who need financial help for their education. 申请人必须提交 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 以决定是否有资格获得资助.

The Pell Grant is disbursed based on a student’s financial aid enrollment status. A student’s financial aid enrollment status is based on the number of credit hours that a student is registered for as of the Pell Recalculation Date (also referred to the Financial 援助 Census Date). For the Fall and Spring terms the financial aid census date is the tenth day of the term. Classes added after that date will not count towards a student’s Pell grant eligibility.

The financial aid census date for the summer term is the third day of the June session.

7月1日生效, 2012 students are limited to 12 semesters, or their equivalent, of Pell grants. 7月1日生效, 2017 a student may be eligible to receive Pell grant funds for up to 150 percent of the student’s Pell Grant scheduled award for an award year.


The purpose of the FSEOG Program is to provide additional grants to students who are Pell-eligible and who demonstrate exceptional financial need.


The 内布拉斯加州机会补助金(NOG) program provides financial aid to students who are residents of Nebraska, 没有获得学士学位, 研究生, 或专业学位, 有很高的财务需求和

谁就读于符合条件的内布拉斯加州大学. NOG is funded through State of Nebraska’s general fund appropriations and lottery funds.


This federal program provides part-time jobs for students demonstrating financial need. 每小时工资必须达到或超过联邦最低工资. 学生 must be attending at least half-time and usually work eight to 15 hours a week.

Work-study assignments are typically based on the amount of unmet need, 最低期望家庭贡献, date of application and suitability of skills for the position. Final assignment to a federal work-study position requires an interview with the campus work-study coordinator and the job supervisor.

The majority of these jobs are performed on campus for the college. Additionally, there are community service jobs that may be located either on- or off-campus. At least one of these positions is part of the America Reads Challenge, a reading tutoring program for children in pre-kindergarten through elementary school. 学生 are encouraged to consider community service work-study jobs whenever possible.


A Federal Student Loan is money borrowed by students for higher education. 教育贷款 需要偿还 after a student 研究生s, withdraws from all classes, or goes below half-time enrollment.

才有资格申请联邦直接学生贷款, students must be enrolled for at least 6 credits per semester and have completed their Entrance Counseling (EC) and a Master Promissory Note (MPN). All new and returning students must complete EC and an MPN online at www.studentaid.政府.

补贴的联邦直接贷款是根据需要发放的, while Unsubsidized Federal Direct 贷款 are not need-based. 您的需求级别由您的FAFSA信息决定. 你可以同时获得两种贷款, but the annual aggregate loan limits listed below cannot be exceeded.


The PLUS loan is available to parents of dependent students to help meet remaining costs of education. Maximum eligibility is total cost of attendance minus financial aid. 家长必须有良好的信用记录才有资格.

The interest rate varies depending on the first disbursement date of the loan. For Direct Plus 贷款 that first disbursed on or after July 1, 2023年和7月1日之前, 2024年的利率是8.05%的固定.

Payments begin within sixty (60) days from the date of the final disbursement, 每月最低还款额为50美元. The parent borrower may prepay the whole or any part of the loan at any time without penalty OR may defer payments if the student is attending school at least at half time status.

Parents must complete a PLUS application and PLUS Master Promissory Note on studentaid.政府. 如果父母被拒绝PLUS贷款, the student will have their unsubsidized loan offer increased up to an additional $4000.00.