Payment Methods

所有的大学费用都要在开学第一天付清. We offer several options for payments. Please see the information below.

Personal Check

亲自支付或邮寄支票到一个校区的学生会计办公室或在霍尔德里奇的CCC中心, Kearney or Lexington.

  • Make check payable to Central Community College.
  • Put your student ID number on your check.
  • Make sure to sign and date your check. A post-dated check will not be accepted.
  • 如果您开出的支票被退回,您的支票付款特权可能会被取消.
  • 停止支付支票不会正式让你退学. 你需要按照大学目录中列出的程序进行申请.
  • When you pay by check, 您授权我们使用您支票上的信息从您的账户进行一次性电子资金转账.
Money Order

亲自付款或邮寄汇票到一个校区的学生会计办公室或在霍尔德里奇的CCC中心, Kearney or Lexington.

  • Make money order payable to Central Community College.
  • Put your student ID number on your money order.

只能在其中一个校区的校园学生会计办公室或霍尔德里奇的CCC中心亲自付款, Kearney or Lexington.

Credit Card

Use VISA, MasterCard or Discover credit cards online, 通过电话或亲自到其中一个校区或学院的学生会计办公室, Kearney or Lexington centers. CCC does not add a processing fee for paying by credit card.

Online Payment
Automatic Payment Plan
  • You get easy online enrollment.
  • Monthly payments are processed on the fifth of each month.
  • No interest is charged.
  • You will pay the initial deposit, if necessary, 把你的付款设置在定期自动付款计划下, savings account or a credit card, according to the plan due dates listed on the brochure. 
  • 使用此计划的不可退还的注册费为每学期30美元.
  • 所有安排都可以通过学生会计办公室或学院网站处理.
  • 不要错过付款,因为每次您的帐户未在到期日之前付款时,将增加30美元的错过付款费用.
  • If you fail to make any of your payments as scheduled, 学院有权要求全额退还,并收取手续费.
  • Don’t default on your payments. 如果你拖欠你的付款,你将无法获得这个付款计划下学期.


Online Payment Options

Employer-Paid Tuition
  • It is your responsibility to present the purchase order, 支付学费时的学费援助表格或意向书.
  • The purchase order, 学费援助表格或意向书必须注明你的名字, social security number, amount to be paid, billing address, 授权付款人的原始签名.
  • 书店是独立于学院的实体,必须由雇主直接支付费用. 您有责任提供单独的采购订单, 学费资助表格或寄往校园书店的意向书.
  • 如果雇主在收到账单后拒绝付款, 学生立即承担所有学杂费.
  • 如果对这个程序有任何疑问,请联系学生会计办公室.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
  • Financial assistance at CCC may include scholarships, grants, loans, or work-study employment. 学生必须申请经济援助,可以提供单一类型的援助或组合包, depending on the level of need and eligibility requirements. 援助可以由学院或通过联邦和州机构提供, foundations, corporations or other organizations.
  • 尽早申请,以确保获得你有资格获得的所有援助.
  • 经济援助申请应该至少在你开始上课前三周提交,否则学校不能保证你的经济援助将在你上课的第一天提供.
  • If your financial aid has been processed, you should see on your bill the amount of grants, scholarships and loans for which you are eligible. 你的援助在每学期免费增减期的最后一天完成.
  • 助学金,奖学金和贷款将记入您的帐户. 任何剩余的助学金余额将在你开始上课大约两周后退还. 被安排在勤工俭学岗位的学生将获得两周的薪水.
  • If you are a first-time student at CCC, 有关特殊贷款程序,请与财务援助办公室联系.
  • For information on financial aid programs, 联系你计划参加的校园的经济援助办公室.
Veterans Benefits

中央社区学院已被退伍军人管理局批准使用退伍军人教育福利. 请联系退伍军人和军事资源中心或学生记录代表在任何校园的具体信息.  

  • After you are accepted to CCC, 联系退伍军人和军事资源中心308-398-7376安排预约.
  • Complete the Veterans Administration application for benefits. 如果您在填写此申请时需要帮助,我们很乐意提供帮助. 请注意,您可以在此申请表上安排直接存款,以便您的福利可以直接存入您的银行账户.
  • 收集这些重要的文件,并把它们带到你的约会:
    • 资格证书-在完成退伍军人管理局的福利申请后,您将收到此证书.
    • DD214 Member-4 copy.
    • If you are applying for Chapter 1606 benefits, you also will need to complete the Notice of Basic Eligibility. This will come from your unit. It is also helpful to have your kicker contract, if applicable.


Student Accounts