Formal Complaint Process

中央社区学院(CCC)鼓励在相互尊重的氛围中解决正式投诉. Any form of retaliation for bringing forward a formal complaint will not be tolerated. 正式投诉程序适用于所有学生,在所有情况下,当非正式解决不足以解决问题时,应遵循正式投诉程序.

Though anonymous formal complaints are permitted, doing so may limit the College’s ability to investigate and respond to a formal complaint. Information concerning the nature, scope, 对正式投诉的评估和解决应尽可能保密,并只与需要知道的人分享.

A formal complaint is a request for the resolution of a problem, conflict, concern or issue that negatively impacts a student(s). Student formal complaints may include (but are not limited to) issues regarding classroom instruction, college policies, procedures, services and offices. Formal complaints must be filed using CCC’s online formal complaint form.

涉及歧视和性/性骚扰的正式投诉在第九条下得到解决,并与下面描述的程序分开处理. Should you wish to report a Title IX related incident, please contact CCC’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Chris Waddle at 308-398-7325 or utilize CCC’s online reporting form. If you would like more information about Title IX, please go to our What is Title IX page.

如对期末成绩有异议,或学生认为期末成绩不能反映其学习成绩,则可通过成绩申诉程序提出正式投诉 College Catalog.

Filing a Formal complaint – Non Faculty Related

A. Informal Resolution

如有任何问题,我们强烈鼓励学生与教职员/行政人员和他/她的导师交谈. Assistance is available from the Associate Dean of Students at each campus. 迅速报告所有正式投诉是至关重要和必要的,因为往往很难在事件发生很久之后追查事件的真相. 学生被告知,如果正式投诉是在被指控事件发生后六十(60)个学院工作日内提出的,那么正式投诉将得到最有效的解决. Students must complete each step in the process before proceeding to the next one.

B. Filing a Formal complaint

A formal complaint is a request for assistance with a problem, conflict, concern, 或者对学生产生负面影响的问题,不能通过与工作人员/管理员及其主管的非正式解决来解决.

Formal complaints must be filed using CCC’s online formal complaint form. When using the online form, a student may choose to remain anonymous. Though anonymous formal complaints are permitted, doing so may limit the College’s ability to investigate and respond to a formal complaint. 正式的CCC学生正式投诉流程投诉将被转发给负责个人的相应管理员, process or department involved.” Documentation of the formal complaint should include:

  • A detailed description of the issue and negative impact
  • The date, time, and place of the event(s) pertaining to the formal complaint
  • 任何知道正式投诉或正式投诉对象的证人的姓名和最热门的网赌网址大全.
  • Specific details regarding the instance(s) of non-compliance with the policy or procedure applicable.
  • A proposed solution or action.

If the formal complaint is not a violation of policy, law or standard practice guideline, 适当的校园副院长将协助投诉人通过适当的学院资源解决问题, employee or employee group (i.e. human resources, supervisor, and campus designated contact person).

If the formal complaint demonstrates a violation, or potential violation of policy or standard practice guideline, the appropriate campus Associate Dean will begin a formal resolution process. This process could include investigation and/or coordination with appropriate College contacts.

C. Appeal/Due Process


分部院长将审查学生提交的上诉文件和区域级管理员调查产生的文件,并在收到学生上诉后的五(5)个学院工作日内传达上诉决定. The appeal decision is sent to the campus Associate Dean and the student.

The appealed formal complaint decision is not subject to further appeals.

Faculty-Related Formal complaints – Non Grade Related

1. Initial Formal complaint/Informal Resolution

The student should discuss the formal complaint with the faculty member, or the faculty member's supervisor. Should resolution not be reached, the student may file a formal complaint against the faculty member. Formal complaints must be filed using CCC’s online formal complaint form.

迅速报告所有正式投诉是至关重要和必要的,因为往往很难在事件发生很久之后追查事件的真相. 我们建议学生,如果在事件发生后六十(60)个学院工作日内提出问题或正式投诉,那么正式投诉将得到最有效的解决.

当与教练讨论正式的投诉时,最有效的方法是安排一个教练可以进行保密谈话的时间. 需要注意的是,教师教学服务时间的中断可能会影响解决问题的时间安排(如.e., Spring Break, and Summer Break).

If the student does not agree with the initial discussion and suggested resolution, the student may file a formal complaint against the faculty member.

任何正式投诉必须涉及该教员在其雇佣范围内的行为. 严格基于学术考虑的成绩变更请求不应被视为对教员的正式投诉.

2. Formal complaint against a Faculty Member

Formal complaints must be filed using CCC’s online formal complaint form. 正式投诉必须在首次正式投诉(上述A项)之日起十(10)个学院工作日内提出。. 正式投诉应提交给指导该教员的副教务长.


The investigation by the Associate Dean of Instruction shall include the faculty member, the student and/or any other person who has first-hand knowledge of the subject of the complaint. During the investigation, s/he shall meet separately with:

  • The student who may, if desired, have an advisor present; and
  • The faculty member and
  • Any additional parties involved.

During the Associate Dean of Instruction’s investigation, he/she shall meet separately with the different parties who may, if they desire, have an advisor with them, unless the faculty member is not available due to semester break and vacations. In those situations, 学院允许解决的十五(15)个工作日将根据教师合同开始和停止.

The Associate Dean of Instruction may address the formal complaint in one of the following ways:

  • Offer a resolution to the formal complaint.
  • Dismiss the formal complaint.
  • Take appropriate action which may include training, counseling or corrective action with one or more parties to the formal complaint.

1. Appeal

The student may appeal to the division Dean of Instruction within five (5) College business days.

教务长将审查学生提交的上诉文件和副教务长调查产生的文件,并在收到学生上诉后的五(5)个学院工作日内传达上诉决定. The appeal decision is sent to the Associate Dean of Instruction and the student.

The appealed formal complaint decision is not subject to further appeals.


To gain feedback on the investigation process and help ensure continuous improvement, 提交正式投诉的学生和对正式投诉作出回应的当事人将在CCC学生正式投诉流程中收到一份调查报告. Staff members of the institutional research department shall review feedback surveys for trends and common themes on a quarterly basis; the information will be utilized to aid in policy and training development.

Suggestion Box

CCC社区成员可以在中央社区学院的持续改进过程中发表意见. All suggestions and comments must be in the spirit of collegiality and improvement.